Week #10 June 5 to June 9

  1. Project time! – due Friday, June 9
  2. Most students will be submitting their projects through Google.


CIA World Fact Book – https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/
Human Development Report – http://hdr.undp.org/en/countries
Department of State – http://www.state.gov/p/wha/index.htm
BBC Timelines – http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/interactive/timelines/
World Flags 101 –
A Global World – http://aglobalworld.com/international-countries/Africa/Africa.php
Religions of the World lhttp://religionfacts.com/
Ethnic Groups & Cultures (Religions) – http://library.thinkquest.org/
Got Maps? – The National Geographic Map Machine
InfoPlease.com – Country Information – http://www.infoplease.com/
Dictionary.com – Glossary Information –Dictionary.com
Online S.S. Textbook –  World Cultures & Geography – Activities & Data Table Updates


World Cultures & Geography Textbook On-Line
World Cultures & Geography – Activities & Data Table Updates

Create A Graph, Pie Chart or Bar Graph!
Create A Graph

 Alphabetize My Words

Discovery Education… Also known as United Streaming
The Discovery Education site is a wealth of resources that will help with the enrichment project.  Below is a link to the site, along with the username and password.
Password: reggiokms

Links to Graphic Organizers

Human & Physical Features
Charts & Graphs
Animals, Agriculture, & Natural Resources
Works Cited

Vocabulary Lists for Glossary
Africa Vocabulary
Asia Vocabulary
Latin America Vocabulary

Collins Writing – Type 3’s

Type 3 – Animals, Agriculture, & Natural Resources
Type 3 – Flag
Type 3 – Human & Physical Features
Type 3 – Religion
Sentence Starters

Project Rubrics

Board Game Rubric
Book Rubric
Google Sites – Web Site Rubric

Google Slides – Power Point Rubric
PREZI Rubric