Below, you will find links to the various projects created by students in Mr. Reggio’s 3rd/4th Marking Period WIN S.S. classes from the 2016/17 school year.  Click and enjoy!

3rd Marking Period
5th Period

Avery Allison – Game
Ben Bolhouse – Madagascar – Google Site
Isabella Bulgarelli – Game
Elizabeth Calhoun – Game
Brandon Castano – Nigeria – Google Site
Blake Ciresa – Game
Emma Davies – Game
Maha Farooq – Game
Georgia Fay – Game
Ava Gavin – Game
Isabella Hanson – Game
William Herron – Chad – Google Site
Zach Hulme – Game
Sandy Janton – Game
Anna Jiang – Ethiopia – PREZI
Liliana Lusvardi – Ivory Coast – Google Site
Jayden Magana – Chad – Google Slides
Christina Matthewson  – Game
Chris Murphy – Game
Jesus Ochoa-Fonseca – South Africa – Google Slides
Norah Peterson – Tanzania – Google Site
Patrick Phillips – Morocco – Google Slides
Gelsey Ramos-Luna – Algeria – Google Slides
Luke Sandusky – Egypt – Google Site
Audrey Sebastian – Game
Adrian Shevchuk – Game
Ismael Torres – Niger – Google Slides
Christina Tsaoussis – Game
Vance Wannamacher – Nigeria – Google Site
Nathan Zavala-Luna – Zimbabwe – Google Slides
Aidan Zdebski – Game
Andrew Zieg – Madagascar – Google Slide

3rd Marking Period
7th Period

Abigail Adelman – Namibia – Google Site
Elay Aguilar – Republic of Congo – Google Sites
Alexa Arizaga – Egypt – Google Slides
Jesus Avila-Mora – Madagascar – Google Slides
Nick Bertz – Ethiopia – Google Sites
Ethan Canter – Morocco – Google Site
Jikelle Carrigan – Chad – Game
Kiara Carillo – Morocco – Google Slides
Marvin Cordova-Ortiz – Madagascar – Google Site
Kaelyn Doherty – Morocco – Game
Juan Duran-Martinez – Morocco – Google Slides
Jinelle Gonzalez – Ethiopia – Google Site
Angelo Hernandez-Mendoza – Egypt – Google Slides
Austin Houtchens – Egypt – Google Slides
Casey Huddleston – Egypt – Google Slides
Colin Jung – Angola – Google Slides
Brielle Kindig – Kenya – Google Slides
Marco King – Madagascar – Google Site
Thomas Linderman – Madagascar – Google Site
Aileen Lopez-Camacho – Egypt – Google Slide
Zach Lucero – Nigeria – Google Site
Yarely Luna – Kenya – Google Slides
Jordyn MacMillan – Cameroon – Google Site
Grace Opong – Ghana – Google Site
Diana Pennington – Game
Maya Ross – Zambia – Google Site
Ella Schaub – Ivory Coast – Google Site
Isabelle Scopio – Uganda – Google Site
Cooper Seele – Zimbabwe – Google Site
Kieran Sullivan – Libya – Google Slides
Bridget Wells – Ethiopia – Google Site
Matthew Wilson – Djibouti – Google Site


4th Marking Period
5th Period

Zaria Ali Jamaica – Google Site
Raina Bickel – Bahama Cruise – Game

Julianna Boub – Bolivia – Google Slides

Ella Burnham – Game
Sarah Burns – Suriname – Google Site
Allie Conley – Trivial Pursuit – St. Kitts & Nevis
Cassedy Conn – Costa Rica – Google Site
Jocelyn Espinoza – Brazil – Google Site
Isabella Falco – Nigeria – Google Slide
William Gehrt – The Bahamas – Google Site
Mary Gipe – Bahama Cruise – Game
Cole Jowett – Brazil – Google Site
Molly Kaplan – Smoking in China – Google Site
Leah Kolde – Uruguay – Google Site
Ana Luna-Mondragon – Costa Rica – Power Point
Sophia Malley – Puerto Rico – Google Site
Marcus Maradiaga – Cuba – Google Site
Darya Pebly – Trivial Pursuit – St. Kitts & Nevis
Reagan Pelletier – Brazil – Google Slides
Cece Perrotti – Haiti – Google Site
Oscar Quintero-Lopez – Contropoly – Game
Daniela Rivera – Columbia – Google Slides
Jack Roche – Contropoly – Game
Caitlyn Rowles – Game
Gia Safina – Monopoly Panama Edition – Game
Julian Salinas-Lopez – Argentina – Google Site
Mariana Sanchez-Lara – Mt. Etna – Science Project Extension
Mariana Sanchez-Lara – Ecuador – Google Site
Lily Steffenson – Monopoly Panama Edition – Game
Lucely Tapia-Ortiz – Suriname – Prezi
Grant Urie – Cuba – Google Site
Evan Welsh – Bolivia – Google Site
Jonathan Zurita – Argentina – Google Site


4th Marking Period
7th Period
Bryan Arizmendi – Colombia – Google Site
Ryan Barker – Jamaica – Google Site
Samantha Bevard- Peru vs. Panama Guess Who – Game
Brian Bonsall – Jamba – Game
Jack Bowdoin – Cuba – Google Site
Devon Brault – Cuba – Google Site
Leslie Camacho – Mexico – Game
Chris Cornette – Jamba – Game
Lily Gavin – Brazil – Google Site
Eddie Gonzalez – The Bahamas – Google Site
Savannah Greenleaf – Costa Rica – Google Site
Jared Himelreich – Colombia – Google Site
Braxton Ibara Blomgren – Panama – Google Site
Tyler Kochendorfer – Bahamas – Google Site
Charlie Leto – Bolivia – Google Site
Javier Lopez – Argentina – Google Site
Zach Mannices – Argentina – Google Site
April McDonald – Bolivia – Google Site
Annie Mendiola – Mexico – Google Slides
Ariana Patel – Hait-I-Rica – Game
Matt Pollard – Haiti – Google Site
Yesenia Ramirez-Macedo – Mexico – Game
George Roberts – Uruagy – Google Site
Ben Rodriguez – Argentina – Google Site
Kendall Rybarczyk – Hait-I-Rica – Game
Bailey Shindle – Barbados – Google Site
Jack Smedley – Argentina – Google Site
Megan Ward – Argentina – Google Site
Norah Wolf – Peru – Google Site
Norah Wolff – Peru vs. Panama Guess Who – Game