Enrichment Syllabus – 2017/18 School Year
Social Studies Enrichment
Course Expectations & Grading

Overview:  The 6th Grade Social Studies Enrichment class has been designed to introduce students to an independent research project.  Many tools and resources will be presented through the project in the form of Ellis Graphic Organizers, Collins Writing, on-line educational resources (Discovery Education), and on-line tools such as Create A Graph.  Through this process, students will learn to manage time, their project, and demonstrate sound researching skills.  The instructor will guide students through the process of independent research and aide in the development of the project, fostering the talents of each individual student.

Short-Term Enrichment Goals

Students will:

  1. Develop independent research skills through Ellis Graphic Organizers.
  2. Learn to access and utilize on-line tools and resources.
  3. Develop writing skills through Collins Writing.
  4. Develop time management and organization skills.

Graphic Organizers (10 points each – 100 points total)
Points will be awarded based on the completion of graphic organizers, turned in on the due date.  Graphic organizers may be turned in after the due date, however, assignments will be awarded partial credit for lateness.  There are a total of 9 graphic organizers.  The Glossary graphic organizer is valued at 20 points, while the other 8 graphic organizers are valued at 10 points each.

Graphic Organizers/Collins Type 2 (4 @ 25 points = 100 points)
Using a Collins Type 2, incorporating FCAs, students will construct (4) Type 2’s using selected research gathered through graphic organizers.  Editing should take form with one peer or parent.  Two bonus points will be awarded if the Type 2 is edited by two people (student and/or adult) properly, editing marks are present, and signatures are included.

Project – Creation of Book (200 points)

  • Cover (Outside Cover)
  • Table of Contents (Inside Cover – No page #)
  • Map (Pg. 1)
  • Human & Physical Features (Pg.  2 – 3)  *Type 2*
  • Flag (Pg. 4 – 5) *Type 2*
  • Charts & Graphs (pg. 6)
  • Government (Pg. 7)
  • Religion (Pg. 8 – 9) *Type 2*
  • Timeline (Pg. 10 – 11)
  • Animals, Plants, and Natural Resources (Pg. 12) *Type 2*
  • Glossary (Pg. 13)
  • Works Cited – Noodle Tools (4 pre-selected sources)


Students will be provided with extra-credit opportunities through research and writing activities.  Extra-credit points may vary depending on the assignment offered.  In addition, a student may also plan, organize and create a Kahoot based on their research topic.

All of the Ellis graphic organizers, Collins Writing prompts, and rubrics are accessible through Mr. Reggio’s
Enrichment Homework page.  All of the documents have been saved as .pdf files to make for easy access and downloads.

The entire project is valued at 400 points.  The project is chunked throughout the 10 week course.  Students are responsible for handing in assignments at the end of the period every Friday (or last school day of the week).  Check the
Enrichment Homework page for weekly assignments.  All assignments are scored and handed back every Monday. In addition, please visit Pinnacle to review your son/daughter’s grades. 

Marking Periods 3 & 4
Student’s will conduct similar research and apply their learned skills to a different part of the world.  Africa and Asia are the focus.  Students will go through the Ellis graphic organizer and Collins Writing process, however, each student will choose from a variety of potential projects which include creating a web site utilizing Google Sites, created a Power Point presentation using Google Slides, creating a book, or working collaboratively with a classmate to develop and construct a game (Monopoly, Life, Trivial Persuit themes which incorporate researched country topics).