Friday, March 2

  1. Click here for the Phone Google Notes Link Site!
  2. Be ready for your presentation!
  3. Got Vietnamese dinner (see below)?

Got Vietnamese Dinner?
Monday, March 12
6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Click here for the permission slip and additional details!

What happened on this day in HISTORY…

March 2, 1955 – Claudette Colvin refuses to give up her seat in Montgomery, Alabama, nine months before Rosa Parks‘ famous arrest for the same offense.

Famous Birthdays…

March 2, 1793  – Sam Houston, president of Texas, later Texas senator and governor.


Current Events – Due Friday, March 9

TOPIC: Any part of HECGG & Asia (Southern & Southeastern)

Time for Kids – World News Archive
Student News Daily
Tween Tribune – Science Articles
Google News
Junior Scholastic – Username: student – Password: kitesleep6
BBC News Asia

Click and print here for the Current Event form!


Schedule for the Week – February 26 to March 2

  • Monday – A.P. 21-2 review..
  • Tuesday – 21-2 Quiz – QUIA & Collins
  • Wednesday – TIP Presentations!
  • Thursday –  21-3: Economies of Southern Asia – Introduction
  • Friday – TIP Presentations!