North Africa/Southwest Asia:
Profile Project

Introduction: Over the next several weeks, students will be researching a country located in North Africa or Southwest Asia (Middle East). Students will select one country in the region we’re currently studying in class.  Next, students will complete guided research and write an informational essay detailing their findings.  Research and writing will be displayed on a poster board.

Select a country from the grab bag with countries from North Africa/Southwest Asia!
Next, complete the guided research graphic organizers.  Now, complete the Works Cited by using Noodle Tools to cite 2 sources used to complete the research graphic organizers.  Once finished, start the essay!  Using the Collins Writing format to construct an informational essay, read the directions and construct an informational essay based on the research conducted.  Once the research and writing are complete, display the information on a poster board.

Be sure to use the rubric to put the final product together!

Dates in Class
Students will be given class time to work on the project and ask for help from Mr. Reggio on the following dates:

  • Thursday, November 16
  • Monday, November 20
  • Wednesday, November 22
  • Tuesday, November 28
  • Friday, December 1
  • Monday, December 4 (Library)
  • Friday, December 8
  • Monday, December 11
  • Thursday, December 14
  • Monday, December 18
  • Thursday, December 21

Links to Helpful Web Sites!

  1. CIA World Factbook
  3. The Human Development Report
  4. Nation Master
  5. If It Were My Home
  6. Visual Geography
  7. Create A Graph

Project Paperwork

  1. Rubric & Introduction
  2. Country Profile Research Packet
  3. Essay Graphic Organizer
  4. Type 3

Due Dates

  1. Research Graphic Organizer due Wednesday, November 29.
  2. Completed Writing G.O. & Collins due Monday, December 11.
  3. Completed Works Cited due Friday, December 15.
  4. Completed profile due Thursday, December 21.