Mr. Reggio
Sixth Grade Social Studies
Agenda – 2017/18 School Year       


  • Geography Skills
  • Geographic Literacy (HECGG)
  • The Arab World – Focus on Israel
  • Asia – India
  • Asia – China                                              
  • Africa – Southern Africa
  • Central & South America
  • Thematic Mini – Project
  • Independent Google Sites Research Project

Daily Activities

  • Current Events
  • Journals
  • Group Discussions
  • Individual Research Projects
  • Group Research Project
  • Reading Assignments
  • Internet Assignments
  • Google Presentation Power Point (Travel Itinerary Project)
  • Google Sites Project
  • Research Paper
  • 2 – Grade Level Mini-Projects (Collage of Cultures & Made In…)


Ellis Graphic Organizers

  • Students will use graphic organizers from the “Makes Sense” program.
  • Organizers will be used to for note taking, mapping, diagramming, and the planning and implementation of research projects and power point presentations.

Collins Writing

  • Students will use Collins Writing in all assignments, quizzes, tests and projects.
  • Students will understand and utilize the “5 Types” of writing process.


Grade Level Assessments

  • Students will take a mid-year (December) and end of the year (June) assessment.
  • Assessments are constructed to gauge student learning, measure progress, and assess student’s writing techniques/levels.
  • Assessments will be averaged into the 2nd and 4th marking period grades.
  • Technology
  • The Internet will play a major role in regards to accessing information.
  • Google Presentation design and construction will be incorporated.
  •  Google Sites web page design and construction will be incorporated.


Sixth Grade Social Studies will take an in-depth look at the various cultures, governments, and people of the world. Throughout the year, students will venture from continent to continent, focusing on the cultures that shape everyday life. Students will be expected to demonstrate their knowledge on these topics through a combination of assessment tools. Google Slides (Power Point), Google Sites (web page construction), research papers, and public speaking are just a few of the assessments used to determine grades. Class participation is also a vital part of our classroom environment. Students are expected to contribute their thoughts and ideas on current events and world news in class and through the WIKI Blog and Current Events.


Grades are determined through a point system. Homework (10/20 points), quizzes (20/40 points), and tests/projects (50/100 points) make up the point system. Points are awarded for completion and quality. At the end of each marking period, earned points will be averaged into the total points possible to determine a marking period percentage and grade. Please refer to the report card for the breakdown of averages and grades.  Grades can be accessed through SKYWARD (Grade Book) and will be updated on a  daily basis.



All homework will be posted on the board at the end of every class period. Students are expected to write their homework in the agenda book provided by KMS. Homework assignments are always due the very next school day (unless otherwise noted). Periodically, students may be allotted a few days to complete a homework assignment. Students who are absent can make-up homework assignments and have one day to complete the assignment unless the instructor has given a longer timetable to complete the assignment. Homework is also posted on Mr. Reggio’s Homework web site daily.


Quizzes & Tests

Students will be given several days notice prior to a scheduled quiz/test date. Students can make-up both quizzes and tests. Students will have the opportunity to make-up quizzes and tests during enrichment and/or during lunch.