Monday, March 12

  1. Click here for the Phone Google Notes Link Site!
  2. A.P. 21-3 is due on Thursday – QUIZ Thursday
  3. 2018 TIP Presentations – Revised
  4. Current Event: due Friday
  5. GDP Rankings – CIA World Factbook

Got Vietnamese Dinner?  FULL!
Wednesday, March 14
6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Click here for the permission slip and additional details!

What happened on this day in HISTORY…

March 12, 1894 – Coca-Cola is sold in bottles for the first time.

Famous Birthdays…

March 12, 1862  – Jane Delano, nurse, teacher, founder of the Red Cross.


Current Events – Due Friday, March 16
March 2 to March 16

TOPIC: India & Southern Asia – any part of HECGG

Time for Kids – World News Archive
Student News Daily
Tween Tribune – Science Articles
Google News
Junior Scholastic – Username: student – Password: kitesleep6

Click and print here for the Current Event form!


Mr. Reggio’s WIKI Blogging Link!
Go to Mr. Reggio’s WIKI Blogging link.  Sign in and read the directions for posting and on-line student expectations.  This week’s assignment is posted under the title Blog #13 – April 2  to April 8.

Click and proceed…  Enjoy!  Mr. Reggio’s WIKI Blog – Click to access!


Schedule for the Week of  March 12 to March 16

  • Monday – Packet time (Criss-Cross & Word Search)!
  • Tuesday – Kahoot & Collins Graphic Organizer!
  • Wednesday – TIP Presentations!
  • Thursday – QUIZ – 21-3: Economies of Southern Asia
  • Friday – TIP Presentations!