The U.S.A. vs. North Africa/Southwest Asia:
A Collage of Differences

Introduction: Over the next several weeks, students will be creating a collage that represents comparisons between the U.S. and a country located in North Africa or Southwest Asia (Middle East). Students will select one country in the region we’re currently studying in class.  Next, students will identify categories in HECGG to compare.  Research will compare the U.S.A. to the chosen North Africa/Southwest Asian country, which will then be displayed on a poster board through pictures and captions.

Categories will consist of characteristics that fall under a specific part of HECGG.

Using a standard sized poster board, research and find pictures that identify the regions of North Africa/Southwest Asia and the United States (p. 412-415). The poster board must have a title.  In addition, an organized grouping of pictures with short captions will represent the various parts of HECGG connected to both countries. The collage must be organized and neatly assembled.

Pictures can be taken from magazines, newspapers, or found and printed through Internet searches/research.

Google Search Tips!

  • Go to Google and use quotation marks around the search – Example: “Egypt McDonald’s Menu” or “Popular Egyptian food”
  • Remember… Use quotation marks in searches and be specific in what you’re searching for!

Dates in Class
Students will be given class time to work on the project and ask for help from Mr. Reggio on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, November 14
  • Thursday, November 16
  • Monday, November 20
  • Wednesday, November 22
  • Tuesday, November 28
  • Friday, December 1
  • Friday, December 8
  • Monday, December 11
  • Thursday, December 14
  • Monday, December 18

Links to Helpful Web Sites!

  1. CIA World Factbook
  3. The Human Development Report
  4. Nation Master
  5. If It Were My Home
  6. Visual Geography
  7. Create A Graph

Project Paperwork

  1. Rubric
  2. Research Graphic Organizer
  3. Works Cited – NoodleTools

Due Dates

  1. Research Graphic Organizer due Wednesday, November 29.
  2. Completed Works Cited graphic organizer, typed final copy due Tuesday, December 5.
  3. Captions & Pictures are due on Tuesday, December 12 (print a copy in black and white).
  4. Completed Collage of Cultures poster board due Thursday, December 21.

Project Examples