Students will be focusing on and learning the weekly objectives posted below.  Weekly objectives will link to daily WIKI Blogs, videos, presentations in class, and current events.  In addition, projects will also incorporate objectives posted below.

  • Week #1 – Students will define and describe H-E-C-G-G.
  • Week #2 – Students will define and explain the differences between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world countries.
  • Week #3 – Students will identify and explain how culture regions are formed.
  • Week #4 – Students will identify and explain how push and pull factors shape a culture region and/or region in the world.
  • Week #5 – Students will be able to grasp, apply, and explain the term “geopolitical” in reference to the Middle East.
  • Week #6 – Students will be able to understand and explain through writing the importance of oil to the Middle East and how it shapes the region and impacts the United States.
  • Week # 7 – Students will be able to analyze and discuss the differences between the “3 Religions” born in the Middle East and their impact on world cultures.
  • Week #8 – Students will be introduced to the “Separation Wall” in Israel and be able to discuss the impact on culture within the country.
  • Week #9 – Students will be introduced to wars fought in the Middle East, which has shaped present day challenged in the Middle East, and be able to make connections between past and present learning objectives.
  • Week #10 – Students will be learn the history and objectives of I.S.I.L. and why the terrorist group wants to spread its religious influence throughout the Middle Eastern culture region.
  • Week #11 – Students will be able to understand and define (verbally and written) the “cause and effect” relationship in reference to 9/11 and the wars being fought in Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom) and Afghanistan.
  • Week #12 – Students will learn and analyze the history of Israel from 1948 to the present, learning the role of the P.L.O., and how terrorism and war shapes Israeli culture (Israeli guest speaker).
  • Week #13 – Students will be able to grasp, analyze, and apply the monetary costs of war associated with Operation Iraqi Freedom, making connections between our studies, videos, class discussions, and the guest speaker (Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran – Master Sargent Samuel Kalb).
  • Week #14 – Students will be introduced to to the physical geography of southern and southeastern Asia, more specially the culture shaping effects and impact of monsoons and tsunamis.
  • Week #15 – Students will understand the role of the Taliban and the impact of Sharia on the Afghani people.
  • Week #16 – Students will learn and understand the vocabulary word “GDP”, applying the term to countries in Southern Asia and understanding the impact of populations, more specifically India.
  • Week #17 – Students will learn and analyze the history of India and the impact of the growing economy and Hindu religion through two guest speakers from India.
  • Week #18 & #19 – Students will compare and contrast the U.S.A. to a selected southern Asian country, identifying unique characteristics of each culture through a display of pictures and captions.
  • Week #20 & Week #21 – Students will research, plan, and build a trip for 2 people to a foreign country of choice with a budget of $10,000.  Research skills, the introduction of Excel Spreadsheets, and a classroom presentation, created using a Collins Type 2 are the building blocks of the projects.  Students will learn to insert the “SUM” function in excel, organize information from various travel sites, and prepare and deliver a persuasive verbal presentation.
  • Week #22 – Students will learn of the impact Chinese civilization has on the world focusing on Chinese inventions and how they have shaped and evolved throughout societies around the world.
  • Week # 23 – Students will learn about Chinese dynasties and how they shaped life in China over 4,000 years.
  • Week #24 – Students will be able to identify “Kim Jung On” and be able to explain his impact on culture, government, and economics as a dictator in North Korea.
  • Week #25 – Students will be able to define and apply the word “sanctions” to East Asia, more specifically to the country of North Korea.
  • Week #26 – Students will be introduced to the term “human rights” and apply the meaning of the term to East Asia countries.  In addition, students will learn and understand the impact of the 4 basic human rights on cultures throughout the world.
  • Week # 27 – Students will compare/contrast Deng Xiaoping to Mao Zedong, discussing how each Chinese leader shaped society during their time in Chinese communist government.
  • Week #28 – Students will be able to define “human rights” to apply the key social studies term Tiananmen Square, detailing the impact the event had on Chinese culture (cause and effect).
  • Week #29 – Students will gather research and data to understand the impact East Asian economies (more specifically China) has on U.S. consumers.
  • Week #30 – Students will be able to define and apply “imitative” economies compared to “innovative” economies in East Asia, understanding the impact and limitations of each economy and how they impact Asia and the United States.